Shannie Town USA

My Life

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bicycling is fun!

Bicycling is fun! Had a nice ride today...Needed motivation and Thanks to D, I  got it. He asked me to a bike ride and away we went to St.George. The trail we went on was nice and weather to match. Sun, Cool Breeze, Overcast too! We went through some mud, over bridges and up and down hills. I would say altogether about 8 miles. I got some pictures too.
What is funny was the roadrunner.This dude ran so fast that I couldn't get the camera out of the bag fast enough. I did get a few other pics, like the one of the cat. We ended at the trail-head and there was a park at that park we put out a blanket and relaxed for a bit, this cat came out of the bushes and kind of relaxed in the grass too. At that same park was two roosters, Okay this is odd, roosters? 

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