Shannie Town USA

My Life

Friday, April 02, 2010

Okay, A day off...

     Worked three twelves, now a day off then Saturday I work the night shift. I love the money, and lets face it in these US of America we really need to be happy we have a career that is continuing to employ us.
     I am back in the grove though after working, I have desired to get on that treadmill Believe Me! that is an impressive thing.
     I received the "Runner's world special beginners guide" today in the mail, this reading will give you instant inspiration. I was reading about a lady that lost a 100 lbs. Now that is Right On! She started out at 312lbs and thought she would walk, she slowly increasing her speed till she found herself running. Soon after she lost 80+ lbs and in no time dropped to a size 5. I just Love her...
     I went to St.George today, My hubby had a meeting at the mall, anyhow I wanted to pick up some baby shower invites of course Hallmark does not carry them so I went to Barnes & Noble they don't have them, yet I felt the need to stay and have a coffee at the coffee joint there. yum very good Oh yes, I had fat free cream and i never use sugar. No frilly coffee for me No, I enjoy the real stuff. I was raised a nurse and coffee is in my blood, my DNA, if you get my idea?
     I found a book, just at a glance, I have been wanting to read for the longest time, so I picked it up..."the Catcher in the Rye" by J.D.Salinger. I'll give you an update on my thoughts when I am done.
     I applied for my psych degree this week. I had to get the transcripts sent to the board by next Friday. Well I guess they have to go over all the courses and check that I maintained a 3.5 GPA. I hope so looks good on my end. Well off to the treadmill...


  1. pretty inspiring stuff....I enjoyed the Catcher in the shall, too. Good luck with the psych degree!!
